Aging is a natural process that can happen to everyone. However, it is currently being found that younger people are showing signs of aging in terms of skin and body systems faster than they should be. This is because of the environment and changing lifestyles. We can see that some people, despite their age, still look younger, energetic, and more youthful than people of the same age or younger. This is because the cells in that person’s body are still younger than their actual age and do not deteriorate as much as other people.

Factors that make people look younger.
Lifestyle behaviors: Insufficient rest causes the body to not feel refreshed. Going to bed before 10 pm allows the body to repair worn-out parts of the body, improves memory and helps produce growth hormone to secrete to build protein in the body, including collagen under the skin.
Smoking causes the toxins from cigarette smoke to interfere with the circulatory system, which carries substances into the skin, UFABET, causing premature wrinkles.
Good exercise should not be too strenuous because overexercise causes the body to burn too much, resulting in an increase in free radicals, causing deterioration in the body, causing premature aging. Exercise It is best to use it for about 30 – 45 minutes per day.
Mental state: The most important principle of taking care of the body to prevent premature aging is free radicals. Stress is a part of creating free radicals. When we are stressed, the body releases substances.
Free radicals cause inflammation in the body and eventually lead to the deterioration of the body. Meditation is one way to reduce stress and also helps to calm the mind.
Food: Sirtfood is a group of foods rich in polyphenols, which help boost the body’s metabolism by stimulating the production of enzymes in a protein group called Sirtuin. Which controls the body’s metabolism and anti-inflammatory system. Eating Sirtfood helps stimulate the body to burn fat and sugar better. Helps maintain blood sugar levels, improves memory, helps fight free radicals, and improves hair and skin health. Foods in the Sirtfood group include green tea, kale, olives, olive oil, onions, soy products, apples, and cocoa, etc.
Taking care of the body so that it does not look older than its age is not difficult at all. Just choose the food you eat and adjust some behaviors that cause factors in causing the deterioration of the body.
Just this will make us have a body and face that look younger than our age.